Sunday, June 29, 2014

Let's Ride Bikes he said....

My bike is at least 45 years old and works fine but I was told it lacks something.
Tune in later to see what

We ride as far as next door where the tree serves nicely
as a model train store where we spend much time

 We then ride around the sidewalk to the other side of the street and stop at our pretend home
where we set up our pretend trains.  Back and forth for an hour.  He even seemed to have some coupons which gets us free train stuff but also had a daily limit.  Then we put our bikes away and go into cool off and play model trains with the real thing for another hour.  Its fun being 4.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Our 42 anniversary

In honor of our anniversary, we post a pic of our wedding photographers

 Later we drive / walk to the top of the hill to see the Roanoke (VA) Star
 I then climbed the start and hung my camera to the star with wire for this very cool selfie.
    Then I realized I needed to go back up and get it.  Came close to getting caught.

Transportation Museum

Some just have to play on the rail road tracks

 This engine is pretty big
 Back on the tracks with an  engine barreling down on her
 Two for the City of New Orleans
 Nothing to now but wait for the train

This hike went up 1500 feet

but we rode a bus part way up

 Back to the normal selfie shot.  Or would this be an us-y

The next big hike went down 1500 feet (then back up again)

The water fall was worth the hike

 The trail was somewhat, shall we say interesting at times.

After leaving the falls, we crossed the stream, them up a steep hill, then another steep, then...