Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snow fun

We had to shovel the driveway just to get enough snow to play with.
 Sort of cold but not too bad.
 The A warns the truck to not go up the mountain as it is too dangerous.  He picked other letters also.
 but not matter what letter was used the truck made it safely up and over each time.

Just a walk

on the lake?

 I'm telling his mom.  He has a stick so it should be OK.
 I was surprised the ice held him.
 Oh, that is his mom.  Ah the joy of weighing about 35 pounds.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A trip to who knows where

The metro ride was a ton of fun

 I think we are here.

 Wow, a giant panda sleeping.  Who would have guessed.


Not sure why we need a command center to watch panda's sleeping.

 Lunch time.  Check it out, no jackets in mid January.  I like it.  The pizza was not bad either.
 So who do you think will win the super bowl?  So what's for supper?
 Let's see who is taller.

The king wins

Not sure why, but the Lion won most favorite this trip.  No go ahead and continue to sleep.
 Come on in, the water's fine.

Time to go

but not before some ice cream on a stick.
 we walk past the wooden elephant
 and its another fun metro ride back to the car.